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Siberian winter in early spring

2002-03-04 - 6:09 p.m.

Today has been like vacation in Siberia: goddamn ass cold, but plenty of time for work and brooding. The ass cold part lightly blankets the landscape with an inch of snow and frost. With windchill it's -10 degrees. My wardrobe: a trenchcoat, slacks, t-shirt and the sandals. I received only four comments that I was out of my mind today.

I got back my bio and chem tests. Haven't looked at chem, not going to look at chem. There are some things best left unseen. My bio. test will be great as soon as I argue about the few things I missed.

I dropped off CD to Pinknoise, freezing in an oddly pleasant way. I was then systematically beaten in the groin with ballpeen hammers by the secret police. Since today is day off, I trek all the way to the ass end of south campus to Russian House, see if Victoria is in. She does more than I do so encounters are usually brief; pity her. She wasn't there, unfortunately.

I have spent last three hours updating my resume. It's been good year or so, so I figure I'm justified. In words of good friend, "it's mad pimp." I appreciate good friends. I was then systematically beaten in the groin with ballpeen hammers by the secret police.

They say it will drop to -20 or -25 tonight. The sandals will not go off. Frostbite can kiss my ass. I think I'll go read now and fill out that animal rights board form thingy for my research. Eat somewhere in there...or right now, possibly.

I can go to sleep early tonight, then, right after I am systemically beaten in the groin with ballpeen hammers by the secret police.

Life is predictable; I love it.

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