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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

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I don't understand

2002-05-04 - 3:49 a.m.

As the words flit across my screen, half a dozen different boxes springing up and closing down, I begin to wonder about all these people, their thoughts.

Why me, I wonder. I attract these people of genius calibre, madmen, cultist revolutionaries, artists, zen anarchists, deeply confused psychics and just regular people with a touch of the bizarre about them. Why do I meet all of these people and get to know their minds and hearts so well. In my own behaviors and ideologies I'm cataloging them for posterity, preserving a piece of them inside of me.

I feel like an architect stepping out into a cold English morning, along on a shabby cobblestone road, focusing against the charcoal brown sky as something compels me to look at an empty site. I can see nothing, yet I sense the structure that could be there. Arching up into the sky there are spires and morbid angles curving down like sleek fitting spines. Connected, all connected for some common purpose.

And I look down. Hands...good, strong hands. Is there any meaning to it, is there any truth behind it? I don't care that they're my hands, I just wish I understood why, how or when.

For that matter, where do I start?

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