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Caught unaware

2002-05-06 - 12:22 p.m.

I don't have the time to get into my lengthy introspection, so a synopsis:

*Dim Sum on sunday was incredibly good and cheap. Company was warm and amiable, with Meghan occasionally poking or scratching my shoulder to get my attention.

*Spiderman, the flick: fantastic CGI, good action, Willem DaFoe is superbly disturbing and worth the price of the ticket alone. Some bad points include this weird "scene by scene" feeling where things are somewhat connected, but definetely not cohesive. The romance element is overdrawn during the intimate dialogue scenes, which get realllllly drawn out and cheesified quickly. Other than that, it's fun.

*I found out this morning that I actually HAD been pathologically blocking something from my mind...and it's a neuro exam on wednesday...which I haven't studied for at all. I don't feel panic or the usual self-hatred for being forgetful...but actually driven. I needed those few days off, even if I'd forgotten about something so important. If I do really bad I can just drop the grade, too, since I haven't done that yet.

*Matt is trying to cope with a pseudo-girlfriend situation. The basic gist is she's in love with him, he's not in love with her, they're really good friends and she feels dependent on him. Thing is, she wanted him to not develop those feelings and has this complex about just wanting to be around him and it not mattering what he feels. I know some of you are probably familiar with this kinda thing. Ugh, it's gonna suck for the poor guy while they're trying to sort all that crap out.

*I have my McGuiness honoring dinner thingy tonight. I've been a part of this minority scholars program for about two years now. It's part of the reason I've been able to get so much research under my belt. They're apparently honoring all the graduating seniors and getting us to say inspiring things. Not sure if I can say much else besides "good luck, you're gonna need it," but I'll cuff it good enough.

Well, that was good shore leave. Back into the maw of torrential moisture and ninja microbes.

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