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Attempting to be Sheik

2002-05-18 - 3:46 p.m.

I tried studying at this new third story cafe this morning. Up to now I struggled to pay attention and not just relax. The ambience was magnificent: warped oak planks underneath my feet were reflected in the roof above, some simple pattern of cross-sections. Metal pipes ran alongside one another, the exposed plumbing noticeable but sheik. Light was absorbed and subdued on all sides. The sun came out for brief periods, but mostly it was an overcast pall that made my notes readable.

Readable as they were, I couldn't block people or the place out. It's a sexy proposition, to study at a cafe, but in a pratical vein it doesn't work. So, back to studying in the four story Medieval keep that is the library. I swear this place could repel the Nazis if it weren't for all the glass windows on the ground floor.

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