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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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I'm different, just like everyone else

2002-05-19 - 3:40 a.m.

It sounds silly but I only partly feel like myself when I write down an entry. There are certain key people that activate a set of qualities that I like as 'me,' bring out a good balance. I know, I'm different just like everyone else, but I have a tendency to forget about parts of my overall personality...sometimes that I actually have one. Yeah, I have to put in concentration to remember usually. It ain't easy mixing business and social when they're both in the same spot. Being a Japanese Exec. must be hell on stilts.

That deep personal insight aside, an email where I am witty and only slightly pompous for effect. I miss being witty and feeling like what I write down is good.

"I'm coming back on the 29th of May. Sad to say the Yale crew hasn't gotten back to me about the phone interview they suggested...Princeton has also been whispering lately. My recs got in and all three of them are good, so I'm not sure what's up. In any case I'll be around the valley until some research job pans out. With luck this'll only be a few weeks. In the worst case scenario, maybe a few months.

So, since you are the bored one of slavery, you frothing tower, maybe we can add some spice to the common element? After all, what with your vacation and sick days, I'm sure you'd like to play hookey the way it was meant to, hm? Ah it'll be good to see the valley again. Having topographical...well, anything is always a welcome change.

That said, I need to rest and divulge myself of this nagging feeling. I think it's fatigue, but it rare enough comes naturally that I think I may be delusionally denying what is setting in that very delusion. That it's there, not my denying it...that'd be convoluted.

Enjoy and sense well the beads of sweat that travail in your stead and honor; they hold wisdom."

It works better if you imagine some Egyptian from five thousand years ago profusely sweating against the backdrop of a setting sun and the heat waves that go with it. I think alot of what I say would make more sense with visual aids, maybe some drug therapy.

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