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A good dilemma...but a dilemma nonetheless

2002-07-11 - 6:09 p.m.

It's the oddest tendency in life. Things become difficult and treacherous for awhile...but if you stick through things and keeping trying, eventually stuff picks up...then it fades in some way, gets worse...but not quite as worse as it used to be when things sucked, not if you keep pressing. It's trite, but it seems to be panning out that way so far.

I'm in a bit of a dilemma and I could use each and every one of your opinions. Here's the situation: the guy that does olfactory memory at the Monell Center in Pennsylvania wants to hire me and have someone come in and fill the role "immediately." I've already told him that I've been looking at another job offer and he's a bit on edge, but reasonable.

If I accept the job:

Plus side: job security, great benefits, stable full-time pay

Negative side: it isn't what I want to do really, it lasts for two years

Now on the other end is the really intriguing guy at UC Davis who isn't sure about his funding. I can't quite remember if he said he can fund me for a part-time job, but I do remember him saying he'll ask his colleagues if they can find me a part-time spot somewhere. I can hang with a part-time job for awhile...get something at a cafe or something if there aren't multiple lab jobs available at UC Davis. Now as an added bit of anxiety, he does want me to go up and interview with him personally. That shows a certain level of commitment and interest...but it isn't an acceptance.

If I can score the job:

Positives: something I want to learn, two years doing so, living in the bay area in a low rent/high crime zone.

Negatives: I'll be on part-time until he can get funding, I have no idea how much his full-time pays, his fall funding might not go through and I'd be stuck in part-time jobs with him and something else until he does get funding.

So...what would you do? Drop the opportunity to do something you want for solid, full-time job security for two years...or drop the solid job security for a CHANCE to work at doing something you like to do and maybe not even get it?

He wants me to go up there, but does that mean I have it? I don't know, and asking pushes the envelope and may unsettle him even he does think I'm a great person for the job.


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