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Mafia, Chieftains, and other head honchos

2002-07-13 - 4:19 p.m.

The pressure of the job decision is less pressing than I thought. I re-read the Monell guy's email and apparently he's willing to wait (using some very subtle language) until I fully investigate the UC Davis lab. So now all I need is for the man to email me back. I faxed off this 11 page essay to him the day before yesterday. It's a research paper on the area of the brain that literally abstracts and creates three dimensional space and form as we know it. It's barely a few millimetres across and yet this tiny part allows us to perceive contours, edges. I argued that this piece is critical to consciousness, since it's "ancient" by evolutionary standards and it makes vision a practical window into reality. I'd post it but the thing is too bloody technical. Hell even I think it's dry.

Dr. Yasgrablastock, the UC Davees guy, is probably busy. I don't blame him: as petty and annoying as some adminstrators can be, not having them means taking care of paperwork yourself or trying to hire on someone competent to do that. He'll email me soon, hopefully, and then I can ask him if this part-time thing he mentioned will work out and how many bones he's willing to throw down for a full-timer.

Yesterday night amidst a wonderful conversation, my old friend Adi whisked me away without so much as a phone call to his house to play Mafia. Well, he'd IM'ed me earlier that day saying he WOULD call...but it was typically last minute, under the wire Adi style. I swear the man was made for hollywood action dramas. It was my first time playing Mafia and, agreeing with the rumors, it's a great game. I didn't know most of the people there but they were a nice enough bunch of people. Adi had told me stories about his girlfriend Joanna, but I held new respect for him for their ah...fortunate union. He deserves a nice girl.

Speaking of women I've come back in touch with a few. I think all of us get used to people fading out and others coming in, but it's grand to see Pam came back. She's no-nonsense about fun and addressing bullshit, yet at the same time has a refreshing intelligent Scope and Aftershock harmonized. The emails shall commence again!

I've also been indulging, well glutting, my silly side with Jen. I don't know how the conversations roll on so long, but somehow there's always something else that comes up. Apparently we now own a talking camel that I named Rodrigo, which lisps and jumps on a trampoline. Makes me feel young, petting a talking camel and playing off ludicrous antics with her. She's also been teaching me bits of Gaelic here and there, so now I can properly refer to a potato or what type of cheese I would like to have.

Hasn't all been peaches and roses, however. Drew was getting too obsessive and I thought it best for him to back off and let some time slide. I respect his feeling and openness, but it was/is scary to be the only source of joy to a person. I feel a sortof philanthropic compassion in helping him out...and even then that's not my responsibility. As is it is I only seem to occupy a vaunted position. He doesn't know me. I end up being a representation instead of a person too often as it is.

But, on the much lighter side, I'm going to a concert tonight!! Ahhh, it'll be wonderful! About a month ago my mom scored tickets for the Hollywood Bowl to go see the Chieftains. On last count I have 7 or 8 CD's by them. The Chieftains were my first taste in traditional Irish music. I haven't listened to them in a long time, but some of my more fond memories have them as musical accompaniment: the weekend I spent at JAK's place with my sorta, kinda ex girlfriend Amy, the christmas celebration with Raven and my great friend Kris. And even the first few times I listened to them and got a nostalgic, longing feeling to hear the fiddle or tinpan in person. It's perhaps my favorite genre and I'm really looking forward to getting me arse in clothes and out to there to see them at 8.

Oh, and professions of undying friendly affection abound for Hot Rod and especially company. The swinging chandeliers, drinking gnomes and all, good times from a great and special friend. What, do I always have to act my age? C'mon.

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