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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

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Captain's Blog, supplemental

2002-07-28 - 4:59 a.m.

I'm not an afficionado of 5:00AM, but for Pam and good conversation in general I make an exception. She's doing this blog-a-thon thing for charity...which is basically 20's style dance-a-thons but with 24 hours of writing entries in 30 minute increments. It's sadistic enough for me to register for next year.

Topics so far:

*George Washington: military dictator, terrorist, or repressed homosexual?

*Hitler: a visionary equal opportunist?

*Gays: the "animals do it, we're animals" argument versus southern baptist.

*Skin hats being sold at rock concerts to generate enough money to fund my research putting humans in a treatment group where they get exercise exclusively through running on human-sized hamster wheels.

*Me as a column writer for a Social section. Horrifyingly gratifying, neh?

*Snack foods

I'm in rare form this morning. I offered Pam to update for her last two times so she could get her arse to bed...but she's a fighter, she'll make it. And besides, I absolutely despise first light. Sunrise is great if you're drunk/with someone having sex/high on something/suicidal, perfect dramatic moment...but sleepy no good after that. Stupid evolution and ancestors waking up at dawn to avoid predators.

To quote: Meh

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