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Yet more stuff you didn't want to know

2003-10-17 - 1:02 a.m.

There's a loophole in these last few days of general GRE studying:

I could just postpone the thing until late november.

It's too late to do that and get any more significant time to study for the subject test (in early november), but it'd take the heat off for a few days. Plus it'd give me two weeks to study for the general GRE.

I figure since vocabulary is a shifty beast and skills can get rusty, though, it's probably better to do it at the date I have it set on.

It's not nearly as scary as some weeks of finals I've come across. Still, I want to do the best that I can.

My verbal score is fairly solid, going from the lower middle range to the upper middle range. Math has steadily improved even though I occasionally make dyslexic number or variable switches.

About the only thing I'm uncertain of is how good my essay writing is. I haven't practiced it much and my work is much more compact and to-the-point than the sample essays they give. I'm going to buy a few writing samples for this automated essay scorer they've got. It'll give me an idea of how much I should practice essay stuff.

Some good news, though: I polished off 1/2 of a normal test (minus the 75 minute analytical writing portion) without any nervousness or desperation; not even in the math part. If the math scores keep going up then I'll hit my mark when I take the actual test. Basically I'm shooting for kinda lower middle to lower middle. It shouldn't be tough if I keep a clear head and go over each answer twice. It'll mean that finishing on time is more difficult but, hey, accuracy on the first 10 questions is alot better than getting to the last 10.

So overall I'm getting to the score levels I want to be at which is..comforting..


Just a general note for my sanity/peace of mind:

If you've been waiting to tell me I'm an asshole (and I know it's crossed a few of your minds, don't be lying to Daath), that you absolutely need to talk to me or anything even remotely emotionally turbulent, please--save it for after I take the test. I can't lose my concentration or focus. Doing well on this test is very important to me. I know this is belaboring the obvious, but the obvious needs it some time sometimes.

Thank you.

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