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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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Holiday Cheer

2003-11-23 - 12:23 a.m.

I hate people who are upbeat in the middle of a firestorm. I hate intellectuals that flaunt a smarmily false sense of humility. Most of all, I hate the selfish who sport en vogue emotional instability.

I will travel to the Dead Sea and bring back salt, remove these ill-savored (and now sectioned off) parasites from the meat locker, wash them thoroughly, then slice and package them as deli meats. I will use biodegradable woodchips, dried mint leaves and a bull's erectly severed and sinew-cinched penis as garnish.

I can cover my Thanksgiving, Chanukah and Christmas shopping--all in one go.

At the least, all of these people can finally serve some kind of purpose for us and their loved ones this holiday season.

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